SIGDA Sponsored Professional Development
To support further
development of EDA professionals, SIGDA sponsors various programs that
are intended to increase participation and awareness of electronic design
automation among students, researchers, and engineers. Among its sponsored
activities, SIGDA includes travel
grants for EDA professionals, the SIGDA
University Booth at DAC, the SIGDA
Ph.D. Forum at DAC, and the SIGDA
CADathlon at ICCAD. Every other year, a Design
Automation Summer School is organized, typically in conjunction with
a major event. SIGDA volunteers also administer the Young
Student Support Program at DAC which enables and supports undergraduate
and junior graduate student participation at SIGDA's premier conference.
Targeting mostly students and young researchers, these programs are intended to
introduce and outline emerging challenges, and to foster creative thinking in
the next crop of EDA engineers. Simultaneously, they also help students hone
their problem solving, programming, and teamwork skills in additional to
fostering long-term collegial relationships. Together, these programs serve as
an innovative initiative to assist in the development of top students in the
field of electronic design automation and provide a platform for academia and
industry to focus attention on the best and brightest of next generation EDA