SIGDA's CADathlon at ICCAD

Sunday, Nov. 9, 2008
8 am - 5 pm
Double Tree Hotel
San Jose, CA










CADathlon 2007

  Sponsored by SIGDA
SIGDA Liaison
Asst. Prof.
Matthew Guthaus

Problems and References

To download the tar.gz file for all related papers, click here.

Problem 1: Analysis & Circuit Design

Overview: Find a globally optimal gate and wire sizing of a circuit using Lagrangian relaxation.
Fast and Exact Simultaneous Gate and Wire Sizing by Lagrangian Relaxation,
Chung-Ping Chen, Chris C. N. Chu and D. F. Wong, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 18, no. 7, July 1999.

Problem 2: Physical Design

Overview: Implement a graph bipartitioner which minimizes cut size.
A Linear-Time Heuristic for Improving Network Partitions,
C. M. Fiduccia and R. M. Mattheyses, DAC 1982

Problem 3: Logic & High-Level Synthesis

Overview: Truth table manipulation.
No paper. All necessary information will be provided at the contest.

Problem 4: System Design and Analysis

Overview: Optimizing the Yield of 3D ICs
Parametric Yield Management for 3D ICs: Models and Strategies for Improvement,
C. Ferri, S. Reda and R. I. Bahar, to appear in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Special Issue on 3D ICs, 2008.

Problem 5: Functional Verification

Overview: Implement a constraint solver.
No specific reading. You should familiarize yourself with branch and bound search and/or SAT solvers.

Problem 6: Timing, Test, and Manufacturing

Overview: Transform scan test data for an IP block to accommodate various types of test access mechanisms in an SoC.
Test Access Mechanism for Multiple Identical Cores,
Grady Giles, James Wingfield, Kedarnath Balakrishnan, Jing Wang, Anuja Sehgal In Proc. IEEE 2008 International Test Conference, October 2008.

Computer Platform

During the contest one desktop computer will be available per team. This will be a Pentium 4 running a standard installation of Ubuntu Linux. All necessary software and the problem statements will be pre-installed. Also, in your home directory you will find a recommended directory structure to organize your work.

One or more of the problems may require solving linear programs. For this, we will provide GLPK and recommend familiarizing yourself with one of its input formats (your choice). Of course, you are also welcome to program your own LP solver.

You will be allowed to bring in any written or printed materials, but no electronic storage media or computing devices. (If you have a preferred VIM or Emacs configuration, you will need to print them out beforehand and type them in.) Whatever you bring in shall stay in the room until you decide to leave the room at the end of the day.

You will not have any internet access during the competition, and you are expected not to discuss any questions with colleagues other than your team member.

CADathlon 2008 is over. Congratulations to the winners!