SIGDA's CADathlon at ICCAD

Monday, Nov. 5, 2007
8 am - 5 pm
Double Tree Hotel
San Jose, CA









CADathlon 2006

  Sponsored by SIGDA
SIGDA Liaison
Prof. Patrick Madden

CADathlon 07 First Place Winners


Team Member: Zhe-Wei Jiang
Advisor: Yao-Wen Chang
University: National Taiwan University

Team Member: Tung-Chieh Chen
Advisor: Yao-Wen Chang
University: National Taiwan University

Picture of winners

Zhe-Wei received the B.S. in Electronics Engineering from National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 2003, and is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at National Taiwan University. His research interests include VLSI placement.
Tung-Chieh received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 2003, and is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the same university. His research interests include VLSI floorplanning and placement.

CADathlon 07 Runner-Ups (second-place, tied)


Team Member: Chi-An Wu
Advisor: Chung-Yang (Ric) Huang
University: National Taiwan University

Team Member: Kai-Fu Tang
Advisor: Chung-Yang (Ric) Huang
University: National Taiwan University

Picture of Runner-ups

Chi-An received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 2005, and is currently working toward the M.S. degree at the same university. His current research topic focuses on hardware verification.
Kai-Fu is a Ph.D. student in National Taiwan University. His current research topic focuses on software verification.

Team:Vivian Darkbloom Can Cede

Team Member: Nathan Kitchen
Advisor: Andreas Kuehlmann
University: UC Berkeley

Team Member: Donald Chai
Advisor: Andreas Kuehlmann
University: UC Berkeley

Picture of Runner-ups

Nathan is a PhD student in the EECS Department at UC Berkeley. He is currently working on constrained random verification with Andreas Kuehlmann. He has a BS in EE from Brigham Young University.
Donald hails from Brooklyn in New York City, meaning he properly pronounces phrases such as "orange", "Super Mario Brothers", and "forget about it". After being imbued with super EE and CS powers at Cornell University, he decided to take up surfing and somehow ended up in Berkeley, on the wrong end of California. There, he probes the deep mysteries of design automation under the watchful (and infinitely patient) eye of Andreas Kuehlmann. He received his MS degree and will get his PhD in 2008.

CADathlon 2007 is over. Congratulations to the winners!