=============================================================================== SIGDA -- The Resource for EDA Professionals http://www.sigda.org This newsletter is a free service for current SIGDA members and is added automatically with a new SIGDA membersip. Circulation: 2,700 =============================================================================== 1 February 2007 ACM/SIGDA E-NEWSLETTER Vol. 37, No. 3 Online archive: http://www.sigda.org/newsletter =============================================================================== Contents of this E-NEWSLETTER: (1) SIGDA News Contributing author: Tony Givargis Contributing author: Michael Orshansky Contributing author: Marc Riedel Contributing author: Igor Markov (2) What is Z-RAM? Author: Samuel K. Moore Igor Markov (3) Paper Submission Deadlines Hai Zhou (4) Upcoming Conferences and Symposia Hai Zhou (5) Call For Papers : IET Signal Processing Special Issue on Design for Manufacturability From: Hai Zhou (6) Upcoming Funding Opportunities Qinru Qiu (7) The 44th Design Automation Conference Scholarships From: Diana Marculescu (8) Call for Submissions: 10th Annual ACM/SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC From: Elaheh Bozorgzadeh (9) FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION From: James Finlay, Now Publishers =============================================================================== Dear ACM/SIGDA members, This issue's "What is ..." column is linked to the article "Masters of Memory" by Samuel K. Moore, which appeared in IEEE Spectrum in January 2007. In addition, the "SIGDA News" column contains a number of fresh headlines. We have also updated the contents of other regular columns. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. If you would like to participate or contribute to the content of the E-Newsletter, please feel free to contact any of us. Igor Markov and Qing Wu, E-Newsletter Editors; Tony Givargis, E-Newsletter Associate Editor; Matthew Guthaus, E-Newsletter Associate Editor; Michael Orshansky, E-Newsletter Associate Editor; Marc Riedel, E-Newsletter Associate Editor; Qinru Qiu, E-Newsletter Associate Editor; Hai Zhou, E-Newsletter Associate Editor; =============================================================================== SIGDA News ----------------------- "Running Your Electric Meter Backwards" http://ibtimes.com/services/pop_print.htm?id=17631&tb=bh Net metering essentially allows people to become mini-power producers. Programs vary state to state, but they are typically coupled with financial incentives that make it easier to invest thousands of dollars for photovoltaic panels, windmills or fuel cells. Since sun and wind are intermittent, customers still rely on the grid for steady service. The meter runs backward when more electricity is produced than a customer consumes. "Fastest DRAM: 800-MHz 2Gb DDR2 from Hynix" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196902893 Hynix credits the improvements in the new 90nm memory module for personal computers to advanced wafer-level packaging technology (WLP). In WLP technology, the die and package are manufactured and tested on the wafer prior to singulation, making it different from all other package types. Accordingly, the area the package occupies when mounted onto a printed wire board or other substrate is the size of the die. Hynix said its WLP technology enables it to reduce production costs by more than 20 percent. It added that the new module is highly stable in operation, and its heat emission, speed and power characteristics have been improved, making the module fit for devices requiring higher-speed data transfers. "Teardown: The RIM BlackBerry 8100 Pearl - a Phone, a Camera and More" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196901128 The RIM BlackBerry 8100 Pearl brings a slenderizing trend to the company's traditional slab-format handhelds. While the usual enterprise e-mail capability is still in place, a 1.3-Mpixel CMOS camera joins with support for ringtones, MP3/MIDI/AAC audio and MPEG-4/H.263 video to bring the BlackBerry squarely into the mainstream. Internal memory of 64 Mbytes with expansion by way of a mini SD card slot provides user storage, and the Bluetooth 2.0 interface can serve up music to a stereo headset. The 240 x 260-pixel TFT display supports more than 65,000 colors--still highlighting the emphasis on e-mail readability. The 90-gram Pearl's 107 x 50 x 14-mm dimensions mean the narrow display must also join with something less than the normal QWERTY keyboard. "NIST Announces Competition for New Cryptographic Hash Algorithm" http://www.networkworld.com/news/2007/012307-nist-cryptographic-algorithm.html After a recent flurry of research activity, a number of well-known cryptographic hash functions are no longer considered secure. To this end, the National Institute of Standards and Technology will hold a competition to choose a new algorithm to become the federal information processing standard. NIST is interested in "unclassified, publicly disclosed" algorithms that are "royalty-free" and "capable of protecting sensitive government information well into the foreseeable future." The statement also said the "draft minimum acceptability requirements, submission requirements, and evaluation criteria for candidate hash functions" will be presented at the RSA Conference in San Francisco. "Intel Speeds Up Silicon Photonics" http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/18087/ Researchers at Intel have announced the world's fastest silicon modulator--an advance that could cut bandwidth costs and make computers run faster and cooler. "UCLA and CalTech Manufacture Superdense Molecular Memory" http://www.playfuls.com/news_05962_Molecular_Computer_Moves_Closer_To_Reality.html The 160-kilobit molecular memory was fabricated at a density of 100 billion bits per square centimeter -- "a density predicted for commercial memory devices in approximately 2020," according to the authors. The complex research is explained in the current issue of the journal Nature. "Texas Instruments Exits Process Development Race ST, ARM challenged by TI strategic shift, says analyst" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197000041 Texas Instruments Inc., one of the largest and most successful integrated device manufacturers, has decided to drop the costly business of digital logic process development and rely on foundry partners for its processes. According to reports TI (Dallas, Texas) development has decided to stop internal development at the 45-nanometer node and use foundry supplied processes at 32-nm, 22-nm and thereafter. The move by Texas Instruments highlights a sea-change occurring in the industry; one for which the likes of Infineon Technologies AG, CSR plc and Wolfson Microelectronics plc are relatively well prepared but for which older companies STMicroelectronics NV and ARM Holdings plc appear less ready. The move by TI is clearly a strategic one, reflecting that foundries have now more or less caught up with independent device makers (IDMs) so that owning processes and manufacturing plant is ceasing to be a differentiating advantage. Analysts suggest that the move may have been prompted by information from Nokia which may have indicated a reduced need to develop custom silicon and an increased desire to use standard chipsets. "New Emulation Machine Runs at 200MHz, Scales to 100 Million ASIC gates" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197001074 Gidel Ltd. this week is rolling out its Proc_SoC (system on chip) rapid prototyping system --- a card cage with up to ten reconfigurable Proc3M elements. Each of these elements has two interconnected Altera Stratix II EP2S180 FPGAs and 128 Mbytes of DRAM, with a capacity of 3 million gates per element. Ten elements yields 30 million gates in one Proc30M module, and Gidel claims the system is scalable up to 100 million ASIC gates. The main innovation seems to be in high-speed interconnect between the FPGA boards. "Cadence Rolls Low-Power Design Flow" http://eetimes.com/news/design/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197001245 Cadence Design Systems Inc. has added the Common Power Format to its existing logic design, verification and implementation tools. This marks the first deployment of CPF, the format that's at the heart of a controversial standards effort and that now forms the basis of Low Power Solution, Cadence's complete design flow for low-power ICs. "Intel Says Chips Will Run Faster, Using Less Power" http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/27/technology/27chip.html?ei=5088&en=8106bacaf54ed4e0&ex=1327554000&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&pagewanted=all Intel, the world's largest chip maker, has overhauled the basic building block of the information age, paving the way for a new generation of faster and more energy-efficient processors. Company researchers said the advance represented the most significant change in the materials used to manufacture silicon chips since Intel pioneered the modern integrated-circuit transistor more than four decades ago. "Xilinx CEO Gives Keynote, Interview at DesignCon" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197002159 The semiconductor industry is projected to experience moderate growth in the near term . with only three IC-manufacturing business models evolving over time, warned Wim Roelandts, president, chairman and chief executive of Xilinx Inc. Intel Corp., of course, will continue to build its own fabs and develop processes that are tuned for its processor lines. The memory makers will continue to build plants, although many are turning to partners to share the risks and costs. Needless to say, the fabless/foundry model has been a smashing success, he said. Xilinx and a plethora of other fabless chip makers have prospered during the revolution. "Supercomputers Key to Improving Hurricane Predictions" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197002296 Scientists at the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration are hoping two new supercomputers will help them make more accurate hurricane predictions so people have more warning and a better chance to get to safety before a storm hits. The IBM supercomputers, one primary and one backup system, can handle 14 trillion calculations per second at maximum performance and ingest more than 240 million global weather observations per day, according to IBM. The new computers are expected to increase the administration's computational might for its weather forecasts by 320%. "Siemens: Seven Networking Trends Will Dominate In 2007" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197002231 As president and CEO of Siemens Networks LLC in the United States, Harald Braun leads operations for wireless networks, broadband solutions, photonics, next generation switching products and solutions and digital home. He's also a major force behind the strategy for deployment of Internet Protocol-based Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) technology. Braun offered up his view of seven trends that he expects will have a major impact in 2007. "A Conversation with John Hennessy and David Patterson" http://www.acmqueue.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=printer_friendly&pid=445&page=1 As authors of the seminal textbook, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (4th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2006), John Hennessy and David Patterson probably don't need an introduction. "Where is China in the Nanotechnology Race?" http://www.azonano.com/news.asp?newsID=3649 A senior Department of Commerce official recently claimed that China is rapidly catching up to the United States in nanotechnology. This news comes on top of the latest OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) forecast that China will have spent more on research and development (R&D) than Japan in 2006, making it the world's second highest investor in R&D after the U.S. "Daylight Saving Time: When clocks spring forward this year, will IT fall down?" http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9009959&intsrc=hm_list With echoes of the Y2k scare of seven years ago, IT administrators in the U.S. face changes to Daylight Saving Time (DST) this year, prompting concerns about a potential IT crisis that must be recognized and resolved quickly. "Blu-Ray Won't Hit It's Stride Until 2009" http://www.electronicdesign.com/yellowbrix/story.cfm?AD=1&AD=1&story_id=102757993 The Majority of Manufacturers Believe That There Will Not Be A Strong Market Growth for Blu-Ray Until 2009 - Global Optical Storage Industry Report, 2006-2007 "Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Helps Blaze Chip Performance Path With 'Revolutionary' Material" http://www.electronicdesign.com/yellowbrix/story.cfm?AD=1&story_id=102758578 Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), the world's leading university-research consortium for semiconductors and related technologies, today announced the success of its research with insulators containing the exotic metal hafnium toward significantly extending Moore's Law. Tapping SRC's considerable research network, which spans a community of 23 companies and partners plus 100 universities worldwide, the chip industry can use hafnium-based insulators to take a giant leap toward staying on its aggressive technology roadmap. "Dream Jobs 2007" http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/feb07/4893 The scene of a recent crime, the rim of an active volcano, deep in the woods at the dead of night -- you never know where engineering will lead you. "Engineering Education Prepares for 2020" http://www.eetonline.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197002380 Future engineers will need to be taught new attributes and in new ways, 2007 IEEE President Leah Jamieson said during her keynote address at the DesignCon 2007 conference on Jan. 31. She gave an overview of the new National Academy of Engineering (NAE) report on engineering in 2020, which said engineers will need to be creative, flexible, leaders, and have business skills. "It's not just about how much math and circuit theory you know, it's communication, the ability to work in teams, to understand professional ethics," said Jamieson, dean of engineering at Purdue University. She expressed concern about the impact that technological change, globalization, and offshoring would have on engineering knowledge in the years to come, and wondered if the rapid pace of change would make it obsolete in as little as five years. Jamieson also discussed the current state of engineering in the United States, saying the workforce is stable or declining while interest in studying engineering is falling. She noted that the industry has not had much success attracting women or minorities since the mid 1990s. The NAE report also said biotechnology, nanotechnology, and photonics would be applied within an urban physical infrastructure in the years to come. "Nanotech Biological Sensors Become Easier to Build" http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa003&articleID=849171DA-E7F2-99DF-3B85FCD830D501C3&ref=rss Call it the easy-bake nanosensor. Researchers report they have built an exquisitely sensitive biological detector from silicon using conventional tools, meaning it could in principle be mass-produced. "The First Flaw in Vista Facilitates "Shout Hacking"" http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,128737-c,vistalonghorn/article.html The first flaw discovered in Windows Vista and demonstrated last week allows to launch unauthorized commands using Vista's speech recognition features. The impact of the flaw, however, is expected to be limited. Vista users would need to have the speech recognition feature enabled and have a microphone and speakers connected to their system. Successful attackers would need to be physically present at the machine, or figure out a way to trick the computer's owner to download and play an audio recording of the malicious commands. "Student Contest Aims to Broaden Cell BE Reach" http://www.eetimes.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=197003394 Aiming at finding innovative applications that will take the IBM Cell Broadband Engine (BE) processor beyond video games, IBM is sponsoring a Cell BE contest for university students from 25 different countries. It includes a Cell BE trivia quiz and a software design competition. ============================================================================== What is Z-RAM? --------------------- "Masters of Memory" by Samuel K. Moore http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/jan07/4839 ============================================================================== Submission deadlines: --------------------- ICICDT'07 - Int'l Conference on IC Design & Technology Austin, TX May 30-Jun 1, 2007 Deadline: Feb 15, 2007 http://www.icicdt.org/ MWSCAS/NEWCAS'07 - Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems/ Int'l NEWCAS Conference Montreal, Canada Aug 5-8, 2007 Deadline: Feb 20, 2007 http://newcas.grm.polymtl.ca/ ASAP'07 - Int'l Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors Montreal, Canada July 9-11, 2007 Deadline: Feb 26, 2007 http://asap-conference.org IWLS'07 - Int'l Workshop on Logic & Synthesis San Diego, CA May 30-Jun 1, 2007 Deadline: Mar 2, 2007 http://www.iwls.org/ FPL'07 - Int'l Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications Amsterdam, Holland Aug 27-29, 2007 Deadline: Mar 18, 2007 http://www.fpl.uni-kl.de/fpl/ PACT'07 - Int'l Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques Brasov, Romania Sep 15-19, 2007 Deadline: Mar 26, 2006 http://www.pactconf.org VLSI-SoC'07 - Int'l Conference on Very Large Scale Integration Atlanta, GA Oct 15-17, 2007 Deadline: Apr 1, 2007 http://www.vlsisoc2007.gatech.edu/ ICCAD'07 - Int'l Conference on Computer-Aided Design San Jose, CA Nov 4-8, 2007 Deadline: Apr 11, 2007 http://www.iccad.com/ EUC'07 - Int'l Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing Taipei, Taiwan Dec 17-20, 2007 Deadline: May 17, 2007 http://csie.ntu.edu.tw/~euc07/ ============================================================================== Upcoming symposia, conferences and workshops: --------------------------------------------- FPGA'07 -Int'l Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays Monterey, CA Feb 18-20, 2007 http://conferences.ece.ubc.ca/isfpga2007/ TAU'07 - Int'l Workshop on Timing Issues in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems Austin, TX Feb 26-27, 2007 http://www.tauworkshop.com/ SPL'07 - Southern Conference on Programmable Logic Mar del Plata, Argentina Feb 26-28, 2007 http://www.splconf.org/ GLSVLSI'07 - Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI Stresa-Largo Maggiore, Italy Mar 11-13, 2007 http://www.glsvlsi.org/ LATW'07 - Latin-American Test Workshop Peru Mar 11-14, 2007 http://www.latw.net/ ASYNC'07: Int'l Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems Berkeley, CA Mar 12-14, 2007 http://conferences.computer.org/async2007/ SLIP'07 - System Level Interconnect Prediction Workshop Austin, TX Mar 17-18, 2007 http://www.sliponline.org/ ISPD'07 - Int'l Symposium on Physical Design Austin, TX Mar 18-21, 2007 http://www.ispd.cc/ DATE'07 - Design, Automation, and Test in Europe Nice, France Apr 16-20 http://www.date-conference.com/ NOCS'07 - Int'l Symposium on Networks-on-Chips Princeton, New Jersey May 7-9, 2007 http://www.nocsymposium.org/ ISVLSI'07 - Annual Symposium on VLSI Porto Allegre, Brazil May 9-11, 2007 http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/isvlsi2007/ RSP'07 - Int'l Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping Porto Alegre, Brazil May 28-30, 2007 http://www.rsp-workshop.org/ IESS'07 - Int'l Embedded Systems Symposium Irvine, CA May 29-Jun 1, 2007 http://www.iess.org/ ICICDT'07 - Int'l Conference on IC Design & Technology Austin, TX May 30-Jun 1, 2007 http://www.icicdt.org/ IWLS'07 - Int'l Workshop on Logic & Synthesis San Diego, CA May 30-Jun 1, 2007 Deadline: Mar 2, 2007 http://www.iwls.org/ MSE'07 - Int'l Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education San Diego, CA Jun 3-4, 2007 http://www.mseconference.org/ DAC'07 - Design Automation Conference San Diego, CA Jun 4-8, 2007 http://www.dac.com/ CAV'07 - Int'l Conference on Computer Aided Verification Berlin, Germany Jul 3-7, 2007 http://www.cav2007.org/ MWSCAS/NEWCAS'07 - Int'l Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems/ Int'l NEWCAS Conference Montreal, Canada Aug 5-8, 2007 http://newcas.grm.polymtl.ca/ ============================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------------ IET Signal Processing Special Issue on Design for Manufacturability The field of design for manufacturability (DFM) of VLSI circuits has seen tremendous recent research activity, in response to the challenges posed by increased levels of manufacturing process variations and subwavelength lithography. IET Circuits, Devices and Systems is preparing a special issue on DFM in order to showcase the latest research accomplishments in this field. The Editors of this special issue cordially invite paper submissions on the following and other DFM-related topics: * Lithography friendly layout design * Restricted design rule based layout * Regular fabrics and logic bricks * Statistical static timing analysis * Statistical optimization * Post-silicon tuning techniques * Design and synthesis for tolerance to process variations * Analysis and optimization considering systematic process variations Important Dates: Manuscript Submission Due By: 30 April 2007 Final Decisions Due: 30 September 2007 Final Accepted Papers Due: 30 November 2007 Special Issue Published: 1st Quarter 2008 For details on paper submission, please see http://www.iee.org/Publish/Journals/ProfJourn/Proc/CDS/cds-dfm-cfp.pdf Guest Editors Jiang Hu Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843 jianghu@ece.tamu.edu Sachin Sapatnekar Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 sachin@umn.edu ============================================================================== Upcoming funding opportunities ------------------------------- DOD Microsystems Technology Office-Wide Deadline: January 14, 2009 http://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/BAA07-18/Attachments.html SPINS in Semiconductors Deadline: December 31, 2008 http://fundingopps.cos.com/alerts/57993 Artificial Intelligence Technologies Deadline: December 31, 2008 http://heron.nrl.navy.mil/contracts/baa.htm Quantum Information Science and Technology Deadline: December 31, 2008 http://heron.nrl.navy.mil/contracts/0708baa/baa.htm Young Investigator Program (YIP) January 12, 2008 http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci_tech/3t/corporate/yip.asp High Density Optical Memory Deadline: Continuous http://www.afosr.af.mil/pdfs/afosr_baa_2007_1.pdf Quantum Electronic Solids Deadline: Continuous http://www.afosr.af.mil/pdfs/afosr_baa_2007_1.pdf Distributed Intelligence Deadline: Continuous http://www.afosr.af.mil/pdfs/afosr_baa_2007_1.pdf Enabling Technologies for Modeling and Simulation (BAA-03-12-IFKA) Deadline: September 30, 2008 http://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AFRLRRS/BAA-03-12-IFKA/Modification%2005.html Joint National Training Capability Broad Agency Announcement Deadline: May 14, 2009 http://www.ntsc.navy.mil/Ebusiness/BusOps/Acquisitions/Index.cfm?RND=220990 BAA for Simulation and Training Technology R&D Deadline: Continuous until December 31, 2010 http://www.ntsc.navy.mil/EBusiness/BusOps/Acquisitions/Index.cfm?RND=868451 NSF Theoretical Foundations 2007 (TF07) (NSF 07-525) Deadline: January 19, 2007 . February 19, 2007 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2007/nsf07525/nsf07525.htm Emerging Models and Technologies for Computation (EMT) (NSF 07-523) Deadline: February 14, 2007 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2007/nsf07523/nsf07523.htm Engineering Design (ED) Deadline: January 15, 2007 - February 15, 2007 September 1, 2007 - October 1, 2007 http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13340 Advanced Learning Technologies (ALT) (NSF 06-535) Deadline: April 25, 2007 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2006/nsf06535/nsf06535.htm DARPA Cognitive Information Processing Technology (BAA02-21) Deadline: June 5, 2007 http://www.darpa.mil/ipto/Solicitations/open/02-21_PIP.htm James S. McDonnell Foundation Studying Complex Systems Deadline: Continuous http://www.jsmf.org/programs/cs/ ============================================================================== The 44th Design Automation Conference Scholarships -------------------------------------------------- The 44th Design Automation Conference plans to award scholarships to support graduate research and study in electronic design automation and circuit design. These scholarships are intended to support graduate students of faculty investigators at universities trying to establish new programs in electronic design automation or circuit design and/or graduate students of young faculty investigators (assistant rank, non-tenured) working in electronic design automation or circuit design. These scholarships are awarded directly to a university for the faculty investigator to expend in accordance with his or her proposal. The university is free to use the scholarship funds in direct support of one or more of the graduate students named in the proposal, in the manner outlined in the proposal, except that the funds shall not be used to support indirect costs or overhead. For more information please visit http://www.dac.com/44th/scholar.html ============================================================================== Call for Submissions --------------------- 10th Annual ACM/SIGDA Ph.D. Forum at DAC Tuesday, 5 June 2007 6:30-8:00 pm Sails Pavilion, San Diego Convention Center San Diego, California Submission deadline: February 16, 2007 Notification of acceptance: March 28, 2007 http://www.sigda.org/daforum/ ============================================================================== FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION announces it's next issue, Volume 1, Issue 3 From: James Finlay, Now Publishers FPGA Design Automation: A Survey By Deming Chen (UIUC) Jason Cong (UCLA) Peichen Pan (Magma Design Automation) See www.nowpublishers.com/EDA for more details. Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation publishes survey and tutorial articles in the following topics: System Level Design Behavioral Synthesis Logic Design Verification Test Physical Design Circuit Level Design Reconfigurable Systems Analog Design Editorial Board Sharad Malik (Princeton) Editor-in-Chief Robert K. Brayton (UC Berkeley) Raul Camposano K.T. Tim Cheng (UC Santa Barbara) Jason Cong (UCLA) Masahiro Fujita (University of Tokyo) Georges Gielen (KU Leuven) Tom Henzinger (EPFL) Andrew Kahng (UC San Diego) Andreas Kuehlmann (Cadence Berkeley Labs) Ralph Otten (TU Eindhoven) Joel Phillips (Cadence Berkeley Labs) Jonathan Rose (University of Toronto) Rob Rutenbar (CMU) Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (UC Berkeley) Leon Stok (IBM Research) ============================================================================== Notice to Authors By submitting your contributions to ACM SIGDA, you acknowledge that they contain only your own work (minor edits by others are allowed) and are not subject to third-party licenses and copyrights. The contents of the ACM SIGDA newsletters are released by SIGDA into Public Domain, except when explicitly noted otherwise. SIGDA newsletters are routinely reproduced on the SIGDA Web site and the ACM Digital Library, may be reproduced in printed publications and appear on the Wikipedia Web site --- without express notice and royalties. If you wish to restrict the distribution of your work or retain copyright for your contribution, please contact the editors. Last revised by I. Markov - 05/21/06 ============================================================================== (This ACM/SIGDA E-NEWSLETTER is being sent to all persons on the ACM/SIGDA mailing list. To manage your subscription, go to "Subscriber's corner" on http://listserv.acm.org/ - you need to login using the email address where this newsletter is delivered. First time users will be required to choose a password.) ==============================================================================