======================================================================== SIGDA -- The Resource for EDA Professionals www.sigda.org ======================================================================== 15 September 2005 ACM/SIGDA E-NEWSLETTER Vol. 35, No. 18 Online archive: http://www.sigda.org/newsletter Online feedback: http://www.sigda.org/newsletter.php?op=survey ======================================================================== (This ACM/SIGDA E-NEWSLETTER is being sent to all persons on the ACM/SIGDA mailing list. To manage your subscription, go to "Subscriber's corner" on http://listserv.acm.org/ - you need to login using the email address where this newsletter is delivered. First time users will be required to choose a password.) ======================================================================== Contents of this E-NEWSLETTER: (1) Current DA TechNews issue Thursday September 15 2005 From: "Diana Marculescu" (2) Upcoming Conferences and Symposia Thursday September 15 2005 From: "Igor Markov" (3) Upcoming Funding Opportunities Thursday September 15 2005 From: "Iris Bahar" (4) SIGDA CADAthlon at ICCAD 2005 Thursday September 15 2005 From: "Nikil Dutt" ======================================================================== Dear ACM/SIGDA members, You can find the content of the current issue of SIGDA TechNews at http://www.acm.org/da_technews/current/homepage.html As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions. If you would like to participate or contribute to the content of the E-Newsletter, please feel free to contact any of us. Diana Marculescu, SIGDA Chair and E-Newsletter Editor Larry Pileggi, SIGDA E-Newsletter TechNews Associate Editor R. Iris Bahar, SIGDA E-Newsletter Associate Editor Igor Markov, SIGDA E-Newsletter Associate Editor Hiroto Yasuura, SIGDA E-Newsletter Associate Editor, Asian Activities DA TechNews headlines: "Survey Cuts Through the ESL Hype" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item1 "Driving Improved Automotive Chip Design" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item2 "What's Wrong With ESL for Architectural Exploration?" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item3 "Chipmakers Are in Pursuit of Less Power" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item4 "Indians Make the World's Tiniest Transistor" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item5 "Harvesting Ambient Energy" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item6 "Canadian Team Develops Optical Circuitry" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item7 "Fighting Moore's Law: Semiconductor Group Tackles Nanoelectronics" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item8 "Scientists Invent Insulator to Replace the Silicon Chip" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item9 "Writing at the Nanoscale" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item10 "Configurable Processors Ramp Clock Rate" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item11 "Nanofabrication: Next-Generation Chip Manufacture?" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item12 "The Next Small Thing" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item13 "Carbon Nanotube Technology, Closer Than You Think" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item14 "Getting the Most From Multiprocessor SoC Design" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item15 "Printed Circuitry Takes on a New Meaning" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item16 "Low-Cost FPGAs: The ASIC Alternative" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item17 "Varying Speed of Light a Fiber-Optics Plus?" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item18 "Molecular Self-Assembly" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item19 "Room-Temperature Through-Hole Bonding" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item20 "Slashing Design Time for IC ESD Protect Circuits" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item21 "Radio Communications" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item22 "A Unified Approach to Portable Power IC Verification" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item23 "Copper Resistivity Fixable for 45nm Node" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item24 "India Opens Its Silicon Doors" http://www.acm.org/da_technews/articles/2005-3/0908t.html#item25 ======================================================================== Submission deadlines: --------------------- ISCAS 2006 - Intnl Symp on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Kos Island, Greece Conference dates: May 21-24, 2006 Deadline: October 1, 2005 http://www.iscas06.org/ ISQED 2006 - International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design San Jose, CA Deadline: September 26, 2005 Symposium dates: March 27-29, 2006 http://www.isqed.org FPGA 2006 - Int'l Symp. on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays Monterey, CA Deadline: September 23, 2005 Symposium dates: February 22-24, 2006 http://conferences.ece.ubc.ca/isfpga2006/ VLSI Test Symposium (VTS) Northern CA, USA Deadline: Oct. 7, 2005 Symposium dates: April 30-May 4, 2006 http://www.tttc-vts.org IPDPS 2006 - IEEE Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Rhodes Island, Greece Deadiline: October 7, 2005 Symposium dates: April 25-29, 2006 http://www.ipdps.org/ VLSI-TSA 2006 - Int'l Symp. on VLSI Tech., Sys. & Applications VLSI-DAT 2006 - Int'l Symp. on VLSI Design, Automation & Test Hsinchu, Taiwan Deadline: October 15, 2005 Symposium dates: Apr. 24-26, 2006 http://vlsidat.itri.org.tw/2006/General/ ISPD 2006 - ACM Int'l Symp. on Physical Design San Jose, CA Deadline: October 20, 2005 Symposium dates: April 9-12, 2006 http://www.ispd.cc ICASSP 2006 - Int'l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Proc. Toulouse, France Deadline: October 21, 2005 Conferenc dates: May 14-19, 2006 http://www.icassp2006.com/ ISVLSI 2006 - Int'l Symp. on VLSI Karlsruhe, Germany Deadline: October 25, 2005 Symposium dates: March 2-3, 2006 http://vlsi1.engr.utk.edu/~bouldin/MUGSTUFF/CALENDAR/DATA/isvlsi06.pdf ASEE 2006 - Am. Soc. for Engineering Education Chicago, IL Deadline: November 1, 2005 Conference dates: June 18-21, 2006 http://asee.org/about/events/conferences/ ETS 2006 - IEEE European Test Symposium Southampton, UK Deadline : December 9, 2005 Symposium dates: May 21-25, 2006 http://www.lirmm.fr/ETS/ ALENEX06: Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments ANALCO06: Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics Workshop dates: January 21, 2006 co-located with SODA 2006 DAC 2006 - Design Automation Conference San Francisco, CA Deadline for papers: December 19, 2005 Deadline for the Student Design Contest: Dec. 6, 2005 Conference dates: July 24-28, 2006 http://www.dac.com FLoC 06 - The 2006 Federated Logic Conference Seattle, Washington The following six conferences will participate in FLoC: - Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV). - International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP). - International Joint Conference on Automated Deduction (IJCAR). - IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS). - Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA). - International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT). Conference dates: August 12-21, 2006 http://research.microsoft.com/floc06/ Upcoming symposia, conferences and workshops: --------------------------------------------- CODES+ISSS 2005 - Third IEEE/ACM/IFIP Intl. Conf. on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis Jersey City, USA (New York Metropolitan area) Conference dates: September 19-21, 2005 http://www.codes-isss.org ESTIMedia 2005 - Third IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia New York Metropolitan Area, USA Workshop Dates: September 22-23, 2005 More info: http://peace.snu.ac.kr/ESTIMedia ICCD 2005 - Intl. Conf. on Computer Design San Jose, California, USA Conference dates: October 2-5, 2005 http://www.iccd-conference.org/ CP 2005: Intl. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming Sitges (Barcelona), Spain Conference dates: October 1-5, 2005 http://www.iiia.csic.es/cp2005/ ISOCC-2005 - Intnl SoC Design Conf. (ISOCC), Seoul, Korea Symposium dates: Oct. 20-21, 2005 http://www.isocc.org/ FOCS 2005 - 46th Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science Pittsburgh, PA Symposium dates: October 23-25, 2005 http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~FOCS05/ ICCAD 2005 - Int'l. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design for Integrated Circuits San Jose, CA Conference dates: Nov. 6-10, 2005 http://www.iccad.com ATS 2006 - IEEE Asian Test Symposium Fukuoka, Japan Symposium dates: November 20-23, 2006. http://ats06.cs.ehime-u.ac.jp The 2005 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS-05) December 16-18, 2005 Xi'an, P.R. China http://icess05.icess.org/ The 2005 IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC'2005) Nagasaki, Japan 6-9 December 2005 http://euc05.euc-conference.org/ VLSI Design 2006: Intl. Conf. on VLSI Design and Intl. Conf. on Embedded Systems Theme: Mobile Embedded Systems Conference dates: January 3-7, 2006 Hyderabad, India http://vlsi.nj.nec.com/ SODA 2006: ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms Miami, Florida Symposium dates: January 22-24, 2006 http://www.siam.org/meetings/DA06/ ASP-DAC 2006: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference Yokohama City, Japan Conference date : Janurary 24-27, 2006 http://www.aspdac.com/aspdac2006/ DATE 2006 - Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Munich, Germany Conference dates: March 6-10, 2006 http://www.date-conference.com/ ======================================================================== NSF PROGRAMS Communicating Research to Public Audiences http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2003/nsf03509/nsf03509.html No fixed deadline NanoManufacturing (NM) http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13347&org=NSF&from=fund Deadline: October 1, 2005 Electronics, Photonics & Device Technologies (EPDT) http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13379&org=NSF&from=fund Deadline: October 7, 2005 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201&org=NSF&from=fund Deadline: November 2-4 and 7-9, 2005 Active Nanostructures and Nanosystems (ANN) http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13633&org=NSF&from=fund Deadline: November 29, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SRC programs Cross-disciplinary Semiconductor Research (CSR) http://www.src.org/fr/S200507_CSR_call.asp Deadline: September 23, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DARPA programs SPO Office Wide BAA http://www.darpa.mil/baa/baa04-40.htm Deadline: September 15, 2005 Knowledge Aided Sensor Signal Processing Expert Reasoning (KASSPER) http://www.darpa.mil/baa/PRDA0107IFKPA.htm Deadline: September 30, 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See http://www.aro.army.mil/research/index.htm for general listing of funding opportunities from US defense sources Window on the United States Program http://www.afosr.af.mil/pages/afrpgacq.htm Deadline: ongoing Window on Europe, Asia, Canada, Central and South America http://www.afosr.af.mil/pages/afrpgacr.htm Deadline: ongoing Department of Homeland Security http://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/USN/ONR/HQ/BAA05-008/Grant.html Department of Defense http://www.fedgrants.gov/Applicants/DOD/DARPA/CMO/BAA05-27/Grant.html ======================================================================== ACM/SIGDA sponsors the fourth annual EDA programming contest at ICCAD Sunday, November 6, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM The CADathlon is a challenging, all-day, programming competition focusing on practical problems taken from the field of Computer Aided Design and Electronic Design Automation in particular. The contestants are tested on their CAD knowledge, problem solving, programming, and teamwork skills. The contest provides academia and industry a unique opportunity to focus attention on the best and brightest of the next generation of CAD professionals. The CADathlon is also intended to assist in attracting top students to the EDA field. The contest is open to 2-person teams of graduate students specializing in CAD currently full-time enrolled in a Ph.D. granting institution in any country. Each team must submit an on-line application by September 23. Students will be selected based on their academic and course backgrounds and their relevant EDA programming experiences. Some travel grants will be provided for qualifying students. The CADathlon competition consists of six problems in the following areas: (1) circuit analysis, (2) physical design, (3) logic and behavioral synthesis, (4) system design and analysis, (5) functional verification, and (6) timing, test, and manufacturing. More specific information about the problems and relevant research papers will be released on the Internet one week prior to the competition. The writers and judges that construct and review the problems are experts in EDA from both academia and industry. At the contest, students will be given the problem statements and example test data, but they will not have the judges' test data. Solutions will be judged on correctness and efficiency. Where appropriate, partial credit might be given. The team that earns the highest score is declared the winner. In addition to handsome trophies, the first place team's prize is a $2,000 cash award. The second place team's prize is a $1,000 cash award. The CADathlon competition is sponsored by ACM/SIGDA and several companies from the EDA industry. For detailed contest information and sample problems from last year's competition, please visit the ACM/SIGDA web site: http://www.sigda.org/programs/cadathlon or contact members of the CADathlon organizing committee: Dr. Geert Janssen, geert@us.ibm.com; or SIGDA representative: Prof. Nikil Dutt, dutt@uci.edu. ========================================================================